package scales.xml.equals

import scales.xml.{PullType, QName, Elem, Attribs, Attributes, Attribute, XmlItem, XmlPath, EndElem, XCC, Misc, Miscs}
import scales.xml.serializers.NamespaceContext

import scala.collection.immutable.{ Stack, Map }

import BasicPaths._

 * ComparisonContext represents both the path to a given comparison and the namespace declarations which are relevant for it.
 * @param streamPosition is incremented for each processed item in the stream, allowing a simple take to get the difference in terms of the stream, the developer can then use this with toDifferenceAsStream to capture the difference. It is only provided when a difference is found within a stream and not during the difference analysis.
class ComparisonContext private (private val lnc : NamespaceContext = null, 
				 private val rnc : NamespaceContext = null, 
	 val path : BasicPath, private val parent : ComparisonContext = null, val streamPosition : Int = 0) {

  def withPosition( newStreamPosition : Int ) = 
    new ComparisonContext(lnc, rnc, path, parent, newStreamPosition)

   * Provides a stream for the given T up to the difference represented by this context.  Callers are responsible for handling any IO handles or capturing an original stream.
  def toDifferenceAsStream[T](t : T, filter : Iterator[PullType] => Iterator[PullType] = LogicalFilters.joinTextAndCData(_))(implicit tv : T => StreamComparable[T]) : Stream[PullType] = filter( tv(t).underlyingIterator ).take(streamPosition).toStream

  import ComparisonContext.emptyWithDefault

  def leftNamespaceContext : Option[NamespaceContext] = 

  def rightNamespaceContext : Option[NamespaceContext] = 

   * Pushes a new elem on the stack, modifying the parents counts as it goes
  def startElems( leftElem : Elem, rightElem : Elem ) : ComparisonContext = 
    new ComparisonContext(
			   if (lnc eq null) 
    , scales.xml.doElement(rightElem, 
			   if (rnc eq null) 
    , if (path.isEmpty), Map[String, Int]()))
      else {
	val qname =

	val (h :: r) = path
	val qn = qname.qualifiedName
	val count = h._2.get(qn).getOrElse(0)
	(qname, Map[String, Int]()) :: 
	(h._1, h._2.updated(qn, count + 1)) :: r
    , this)

   * Produces an XPath like string.  Make this a full one?
  def pathString : String = {
    var str = ""
    var l = path//.reverse
    while( ! l.isEmpty ) {
      val head :: tail = l
      l = tail

      val qn = head._1.qualifiedName
      val count =
	if (tail.isEmpty) 1 
	else {
          val nhead :: rest = tail
      str = "/"+ qn + "["+ count +"]" + str

   * path.tail, pops the head off as it moves up, counts are not changed
  def endElem : ComparisonContext = 
    if (parent eq null) 
      error("Cannot call endElem on a root context")
      // the path's count must be kept, everything else should come from the 
      // parent
      new ComparisonContext(parent.lnc, parent.rnc, path.tail, parent.parent)
  def parentContext : Option[ComparisonContext] = 

object ComparisonContext {
  protected[xml] val emptyWithDefault = Map(""->"")

   * Creates a new context with the given starting path
  def apply(path : BasicPath) : ComparisonContext =
    new ComparisonContext(null, null, path, null)

  def apply() : ComparisonContext =
    new ComparisonContext(null, null, Nil, null)

  val empty = apply()

  def unapply( c : ComparisonContext ) : Option[(Option[NamespaceContext], Option[NamespaceContext], BasicPath, Option[ComparisonContext])] = 
    Some(c.leftNamespaceContext, c.rightNamespaceContext, c.path,

 * Provides an immplicit to easily access the head QName in a path
trait ComparisonContextImplicits {
  implicit object BasicPathNames extends scales.xml.xpath.Names[BasicPath] {
    def name(implicit t : BasicPath) : Option[scales.xml.QName] = _._1 )

  implicit object ComparisonContextNames extends scales.xml.xpath.Names[ComparisonContext] {
    def name(implicit t : ComparisonContext) : Option[scales.xml.QName] = _._1 )
